Interests and experiences
UPDATE:Amsat-IT takes over part of Greencube, means it will continue to live on :)
----------------------------------- NEWS -----------------------------------
PDF file from Jeff KI0KB about using too much power on Greencube
Video about Greencube, operations and what not. Eric KH6WI on the "Ham Radio Crash Course" channel
Reasoning behind the Code Of Conduct document
How to get Terminal to run on Windows 7 by Justin N9ZTS
UHM operations and principles by Jeff KI0KB
UHM - The stopsign and what to do, by Jeff KI0KB
GreenCube Terminal Configuration Settings for successful ROVING by KI0KB
Suggestions for Working Rare Stations on GreenCube IO-117
New PDF file describing test of congestion on a "quiet" Greencube pass
Playlist on youtube for my Greencube Terminal videos
----------------------------------- NEWS -----------------------------------
Please read this excellent document made by Jeffrey Schwartz KI0KB/WC7WB about using the "Multi callsign" messages in Terminal:
Understanding and using the multi call rare activation mode.pdf
Reasoning behind the Code Of Conduct document
NOTE: Terminal now also supports the CUBEBEL-2, ISS, NO-44 and LEDSAT satellites, please see the release notes below!
Greencube / IO-117 is a small satellite that caries a UHF (435.310 MHz) Digipeater. As the satellite has a large footprint (satellite is around 5800 Km above the earth) it is a effective way of contacting "far away" places. The footprint (coverage) of the satellite is around 13.000 Km.
Andy, UZ7HO makes a very nice "Soundmodem" for Greencube, it decodes and encodes the digital traffic using the soundcard of a PC.
Andy also make a "terminal program" for sending and receiving messages from Greencube (via the "Soundmodem").
I had the idea to make a new terminal program that would give me a couple extra features, and that also would allow me to discover "not worked before" stations, new grids etc. The terminal program interfaces with N3FJP logprogram, ACLog as well as various "TCP and UDP enabled loggers" such as N1MM, Ham Radio Delux, Swisslog, Cloudlog, DXKeeper etc. If you don't have a logprogram that can be externally interfaced, you can direct all your logging to a local ADIF file. ACLog, Cloudlog or a local ADIF file can be searched for callsigns and grids to show if they have already been worked before.
The Terminal program uses one of these possibilities to check if a received callsign has already been worked or not. If the station has included a (maybe temporary) grid in his CQ call, the Terminal program sees this and will also check if this grid already has been confirmed or not. If the station has not been worked before, or if the grid the station broadcasts in its CQ call, has been confirmed before or not. These stations are clearly marked in the "Dupelist" list, using color codes. Voice messages will be emitted (can be configured).
The Terminal program can also log QSO's local in a ADIF file, this file can then later be imported into your favorite logging program.
The newest version (from can also use the ADIF file for checking if a grid and/or a callsign has been worked before. This makes it independent of ACLog/Cloudlog for callsign/grid checking!
PLEASE NOTE: some of the screenshots on this page are from "older" versions of the terminal program, so they might not be 100% accurate (more features are added to the program once in a while)
Thanks to Andy, UZ7HO for his soundmodem and original terminal program.
Also big thanks to my good friend, Paolo, IK3ITB for testing, suggestions and bug finding :)
Video of how to setup and use most of the features in Terminal
Using additional features in Terminal
Logging contacts in GreenCube Terminal
My youtube playlist: Playlist
The UHM feature was included in Terminal to make IO-117/Greencube passes a bit more enjoyable for everyone. Due to the large footprint of the satellite and the popularity of it, there are very often many users on the satellite at the same time, making it very congested and sometimes impossible to get digipeated messages thru.
UHM tries to help with some of the chaos. One of the problems is that users will often send the same message over and over until the DX station answers them. The local station(s) keep calling the DX as they don't know if the DX actually heard them or not and in fear of missing the contact, they continue to call the DX until they get a response.
UHM tries to help with this.
Video that tries to explain UHM: UHM Video
Once a local station calls the DX station, the local station will be able to see if the message they sent was actually RECEIVED by the DX station (the local stations callsign will then be in the CallingMe list of the DX station). As soon as the local station sees a small checkmark next to the DX stations callsign, the local station knows that the DX did in fact receive the message and no longer need to continue sending the same message over and over. The local station can now relax and wait for reply from the DX station.
UHM IS NOT "RADIO BY INTERNET"! The protocol for a valid QSO is STILL THE SAME as without UHM! You STILL need the same "RST", "GRID", "73" etc. from from the DX station as you did before UHM was introduced.
All that UHM is doing, is helping local stations NOT repeat the same message over and over.
A QSO is NOT more valid because the DX station got your call 15 times instead of 1.
From version of Terminal, a new addition to UHM was introduced. Sometimes when a DX station is portable/roving, the internet connection available may be unstable or slow (if available at all). In these case it can sometimes happen that the DX station is slow to send the callsign of the packets its hearing to the UHM server.
If this happens, the local station might ask the server for UHM confirmation BEFORE the DX station has succeeded in sending the packet to the server. When that happens, the local station would just get a "stopsign" signaling that the DX station did not hear the local station (which it did, it was just too slow to tell the server it did).
To help with this, introduced a feature that will do "UHM retry" a number of times IF the DX station has a "/" in its callsign (OZ9AAR/P, LA/OZ9AAR etc). If the DX station has a "/" in its callsign, Terminal will retry UP TO 3 times to get a checkmark from the UHM server.
This ONLY happens IF:
As soon as the local station gets a "checkmark" for the DX station, the rest of the retries will be skipped. The retries are only being used as long as the local station gets "stopsigns" from the UHM server for the DX station.
In practice this means that UHM stop/check can be delayed up to 20 seconds more for a DX station with "/" in its callsign!
Please also read: UHM operations and principles by Jeff KI0KB
and: UHM - The stopsign and what to do, by Jeff KI0KB
Recommended settings for UHM:
Greencube Terminal (from version and forward) sends small packets of data to the server. This datapacket contains, among other things, the following:
source => The callsign of the station sending the packet
source_grid => The grid of the station sending packet
(source_lat/lon/speed/course => GPS info for source station if connected)
callsign_tx => The callsign in the "From" field from satellite
callsign_tx_grid => The grid for the "From" station (if grid is found in message)
callsign_rx => The callsign of the station in the "To" field of the message from the satllite. uses the information (among more) in source and source_grid to show the location of each station on its map.
Remember, for this to work, you must enable "Forward statistics to server" setting in Settings->General!
When you transmit a message in Terminal, the message is sent to the satellite as normal. Once the satellite digipeats you packet and you receive it, Terminal will ask the server if the station you just called, has reported it heard you call it. In settings, you can select if you want this query to happen when you transmit or when you receive the digipeated package. I recommend to use the "Ask server for UHM on digipeat" setting. The delay that can be entered in settings is the number of seconds AFTER your transmission OR digipeat before the request is sent to the server.
Once the reply comes in from server, either a checkmark or a stopsign will be shown next to the callsign(s) you tried to contact. A checkmark means that the DX station heard you message, a stopsign means it did NOT hear you. If no checkmark or stopsign is shown, it means that the called DX station does NOT forward statistics to the server (Settings->General "Enable forwarding of statistics to server" is disabled)
In the CallingMe list, UHM status will also be reflected. In the "S73" column specifically, checkmark/stopsign will be shown specifically for a "73" message sent to the DX station. If there is a checkmark, it means that the DX did in fact receive the "73" message, a stopsign means it did NOT receive it. A question mark means that the called station does not forward statistics to oscarwatch server so it is not possible for UHM to determine if the message got thru or not.
Example of main screen showing working a station using UHM:
The oscarwatch server developed and maintained by Pete 2M0SQL receives the data from Terminal as described above.
The server also has a nice map display (more features to be added along the way). You can access thise map at this address.
The map uses different colored icons.
The green ones (Greencube termincal user), are stations that are actively sending data to the oscarwatch server. Its also shown how long it is since the server received data from the station. When this time exceeds 30 minutes, a station that was green, will get a blue placemarker "old transmitting station" and the text will change to white background.
A station in red (Transmitting station) is a station that does NOT send data to the oscarwatch server. This can be due to the fact that it has disabled the feature, is running a pre- version of Greencube Terminal, or that it is not running Greencube Terminal at all. The red stations have been "spotted" by some of the green stations.
Once a red station has not been heard for 30 minutes, they will get a blue placemarker too (old transmitting station) and the text gets a white background.
In the selection box top right corner, you can select how long time to look in the past for stations.
Terminal has a LQV window, the "Live QSO Viewer". This is a totally new way of looking at the traffic for a digital satellite. Instead of (only) the traditional "Traffic window", you can also view the QSOs as a graphical view. Using small boxes with callsigns and colored connecting lines, you can get a graphical view of whats going on. The view will update dynamic, when you open the window it will show the traffic until now, and when packets arrives from the satellite, the view will be updated. The contents of the view follows the lines in the Traffic window. If you clear the traffic window, the view will also be cleared (the view is just another way of showing the traffic).
Each callsign is shown in a bubble. If bubble is red, it is "MyCall". If bubble is blue, the staion has not yet been received (but has been called by one of the other stations heard).
Black lines shows transmissions between stations, the arrows shows the direction. Orange lines, only one of the stations has sent "73" to the other. Green lines, both stations has sent "73" to each other.
Using the small menuline at the top left in the LQV viewer, you can adjust various settings, the origanisation, zoom factor will be reset as long as packets come in though!
From version, LWV - Live World View has been added to Terminal. LWV lets you see the stations heard by Terminal on a worldmap. Once a callsign makes a transmission with its grid in the message, it will be placed on the map. When you click on a callsign on the map, the callsign will be copied to the "To" field on the main window, and a small infobox is opened next to the callsign on the map with some info for the station.
The callsign will be shown either in green, yellow or red text. This signals how long time it is since the station was heard. If callsign is red, it has been more than 60 seconds, yellow if heard within 30 to 60 seconds and green if heard less than 30 seconds ago. The grid below the mouse pointer is shown in the lower left corner of the window.
The map can be zoomed with the mouse wheel, panned and moved around (sorry, you NEED a mouse with scroll wheel in order to zoom in and out, no shortcuts for that)
In Live World View you can have the radarview of the current pass show your horizon. The horizon is defined in a textfile. Using the "Settings" menu item in Live World View, you can select which file contains your horizon(s) definitions.
The radarview above shows the 3 horizon defintions that are present in the textfile used. The contents are:
From this you can see that there are a total of 3 area definitions. A line with ; (semicolon) is a comment (optional). Then follows a number of lines with azimuth, elevation values. These are the "corner" points. The points needs to be defines with the lowest azimuth value first (in each area). Azimuth from 0 to 360 and elevation from 0 to 90.
From version, Terminal has the ability to connect to a GPS receiver. Using a GPS can be a help if you are moving a lot, f.ex if you are aboard a ship as /MM, you might parse thru a lot of grids on your journey. Using a GPS, you don't have to remember to set the grid you currently are in, the GPS takes care of that for you. Using the [MYGRID:4] placeholders in messages and macros, you don't have to do anything manually with regards to reporting the grid you are in etc.
In settings, "General" tab you enable the checkbox "Use GPS for grid", this allows the "MyGrid" to be updated by the connected GPS receiver. The GPS receiver is configure in settings, "GPS" tab, you need to set the COM port (only port COM1 to COM9 are supported) for the GPS. Currently simple NMEA capable GPS receivers are supported. The GPS connects (typically) using a USB cable and presents itself to Windows as a virtual serial (COM) port.
The main window will show the status of the GPS receiver (red text, no data from GPS, orange: data, but no fix yet, green: fix ok. The number below the green "GPS" text will show how many GPS/GNSS satellites currently are used for the fix (higher number is better).
The GPS feature can be used with the ADIF logging setup "Create ADIF file for mycall/grid" (see Settings->Logging->ADIF File Logging/Search)
In version of the Terminal program, I introduced the "AMSAT Sheriff" Wyatt :) Sheriff Wyatt monitors some of the users activity, and comes up with a gentle reminder if the user is doing something that might not be optimal in the usage of the satellite(s). For example doing rapid transmits after each other without waiting to see if the satellite in fact did digipeat the message, sending too long messages, sending your own callsign as part of the message etc. Basically things that we all do/did at some point without thinking too much about it. The things is that the satellite has a VERY limited bandwidth (Greencube/LEDSAT is only 1200 Baud, thats 0.0012 Mbit/s or 0.0000012 GBit/s for you youngsters ;)
Thanks to Hambadges 2.0 for the nice Sheriff badge!
From version Wyatt can be disabled in Settings, but PLEASE think about your operating practices and don't be selfish!
Sheriff Wyatt currently looks out for these "violations", he might pick up on more in the future, but these are the ones on his short list at the moment (there might be other things he watches out for that he has not told me about!):
The program contains an "Inject" window. Using this window it is possible to "inject" messages into Terminal as if they came from Soundmodem (the satellite). This way you can experiment with the many features of the program in a controlled manner. Click anywhere in the traffic window, and press the key "j" on the keyboard. This will bring up the
"Inject" window. Use that to inject different messages into Terminal.
The large one to the left is called the "Traffic window". The one on the right at the bottom is called "Dupelist". Top right one is the "CallingMe" window.
The Traffic windows shows all incoming and outgoing messages. Different types of messages are shown in different colors. These colors can be changed by clicking on the small colored reactangles below the traffic window.
The "Normal" color is for ordinary traffic, messages from other stations.
"To me" colored messages are messages that has my callsign in the "To" field of the messges.
"CQ" colored messages are messages that contains the text "CQ" in either the "To" field or inside the actual message.
"My TX" color is messages that have been transmitted via the Terminal program.
The bottom window on the right, the "Dupelist" is a list of all callsigns that have been received (callsigns in "From" field in the traffic window (excluding any messages from my own callsign). The different callsigns in the dupelist are colored in different colors depending on the status of the callsign.
The "Dupe" color is callsigns that have already been worked and confirmed in ACLog (f.ex by LoTW etc).
"Grid" coloroed callsigns are callsigns that are in a grid that has not yet been confirmed (or worked).
"COSI" is a callsign that exists in the "COSI list" of callsigns, this list can be maintained by pressing the button "Edit COSI" just above the dupelist window. The COSI (Callsign Of Special Interest) can be used to mark certain callsigns that you want to look out for, it can be a rare DX station, a buddy etc. You can select if the callsign will be searched in the From, To and/or message. Any combination of these can be selected in the COSI dialog.
As already explained, all these colors can be defined by clicking on each of the colored rectangles below the two windows.
Stations that uses the Greencube Terminal program will be shown in bold (this means that these station will be able to receive messages with multiple callsigns in the "To" field!). You will also find status for each station and if they are uploading to LoTW or not (and how long time it is since they last uploaded).
The top window on the right, the "CallingMe" list, shows callsigns, their grids, current elevation, and most importantly, the time until each stations looses view of the satellite ("LOS", Loss Of Signal). If a station calls you, the callsign of that station will be added to this list. When you at some point, right-click on that line and selects "Log callsign xxxx", this line will be removed from the list. If the station at some point calls you again, it will NOT be added to the list again,as you already have logged it. When you press "Clear list" above the "CallingMe" list, the knowledge of the calling stations will be cleared. This list is sorted so that the station(s) calling you with the shortest time to LOS will be placed at the top always. This enables you to work stations more efficient if you are a rare DXCC, a roving station etc. In this window, you can select multiple callsigns.
Multiple callsigns
If more than one line is selected, and you press one of the "macro" buttons (F1..F10), the specific message will be sent to all the callsigns selected. The messages are either sent as individual messages, or as a single message with multiple callsigns. The choice between the two transmission types is done in "Settings" menu, checkbox named "Multiple callsigns in single message". You can also delete line(s) from the list if you need to, select the lines to delete and press DEL. Stations that uses the Greencube Terminal program will be shown in bold (this means that these station will be able to receive messages with multiple callsigns in the "To" field!).
Please read this excellent document made by Jeffrey Schwartz KI0KB/WC7WB about the "Multi callsign" messages:
Understanding and using the multi call rare activation mode.pdf
The top of the screen contains some simple statistics. The number of unique calls in the Dupelist window, statistics for the number of transmissions, number of times "my own" transmissions has been digipeated from the satellite (and that my station actually has received), number of times I have succesfully sent a "CQ" message, number of stations in the Dupelist that uses the Greencube Terminal program etc.
The dupelist contains a list of all callsigns heard (since Terminal program was started, or the list cleared by pressing "Clear list" button).
Each line shows the callsign, elapsed time since the call was heard transmitting, the number of CQ calls the station has made and the current satellite elevation based on the grid the station reports. Lines in bold shows that the stations uses this Terminal program.
Each line will be shown in a color. These colors can be defined by clicking on the 4 colored rectangles below the dupelist.
In this list, we can see that all of the callsigns are with white backgrund. This means they are "dupe", callsigns that have already been worked and confirmed.
If a callsigns is green ("Initial") it is a callsign that has not been worked before. Any red callsign with the "Grid" color, is a station that is in a grid that has not been confirmed (the grid included in the message from the station). The station can actually very well have been worked before, but the terminal program has detected that the station is in a new (not confirmed) grid.
It does so by looking in the messages from the station, checking if a grid locator is in there. If there is a grid locator in the message, this is being checked in the selected log program (in Settings), if not already confirmed, the line will be colored in "Grid" color (red in this case).
Lets say the callsign MY1CAL is listed on QRZ.COM as located in JO45. And lets also say that I already worked this station and that the QSO was confirmed.
Lets also say that MY1CAL send out a CQ like this:
"MY1CALL CQ JO44 looking for NA"
The terminal program detects that "JO44" in the message is a grid, it checks ACLog (or ADIF file / TCP Log) if JO44 has already been confirmed, if not, it will paint the line in "Grid" color (red) signaling to the user that this callsign needs to be worked (for a new grid).
Please also note, that if a callsign has already been worked (in a new grid) but the station has for some reason not confirmed the QSO (if using ACLog), the next time the terminal program is running and it sees this callsign (or another callsign from the same grid), it will alert you by painting the line in "Grid" color. This will continue until someone of your QSO partners confirms this grid.
Whenever a new call, a new grid or a callsign in the COSI list is detected, a voice message will be played (can be disabled in Settings).
From version and forward, if you click somewhere in the Dupelist so the window has focus, you can press CTRL + F and a entryfield will be shown. In this you can enter a callsign or part of a callsign, all lines in Dupelist matching the entered text will be selected.
The CallingMe list shows stations that have sent messages to "me" but have not been logged yet. The list is sorted so that the station with the shortest time to its LOS will be shown at the top and so on.
The idea is that if a number of stations calls you (maybe you are a new station, roving, in a rare DXCC etc), it can be difficult to keep track of which of the calling stations you already replied to, which ones you have logged etc. You can also do multi select of the lines with callsigns and send "Multicall messages" to these in one single message etc.
The list shows the callsigns, their grids, their current elevation to the satellite, the time until their LOS. The list also contains information about "73" status and logging status. The column "S73" will have a checkmark if you have successfully sent a message containing "73" to the station, the column "R73" will show if the calling station has sent you a "73" message, and the "Logd" column will show if you already logged the stations or not.
Now, when you log a station, the line containing the station will be removed from the list. IF the station then calls you again with ANYTHING else but a "73" message, the station will be shown in CallingMe list again. You can then see that you already logged the station, so probably no need to do that again, the station probably just need a new "73" message from you. Once you are satisfied, you can just select the line and press DEL button on your keyboard, and the station will be removed from the list again.
A "73" message is basically a message that contains either "LOTW", "73" or "RR" AND "TU, or a combination, of these.
There is a setting (Settings->General tab, "Do not insert call into CallingMe again after log)), if you set that to enabled, should an already logged station call you again, this will NOT be shown in the list again.
If the settings is NOT enabled, a station that has previously been in the list, will ONLY be shown again if it sends something different than a "73" message.
The recommandation is to leave the settings disabled.
SatNOGS is a a global network and platform that collects data from a lot of satellites in orbit. It collects among other things, telemetry from the satellite received by the many stations in the SatNOGS network.
Greencube Terminal is able to upload telemetry from Greencube/IO-117 directly to SatNOGS from version and onwards. Before this, you would have to install other seperate programs that would forward the data. Some of these programs was not always easy to install and operate. With Terminal it is just a matter of ticking one single checkbox in settings ("Enable forwarding of telemetry to SatNOGS") and everything is taken care of.
Its worth mentioning that some of the telemetry frames from the satellite is NOT included in the dashboard view due to limitations in the decode functions of the dahsboard. However, the data are uploaded and stored in the SatNOGS database. The satellite owner/operator can then fetch data from this database for passes when they don't have common footprint with the satellite.
You can watch the dashboard for the telemetry for Greencube here: Greencube Dashboard
The settings should be pretty easy to understand. You can set the IP address of the PC for both the UZ7HO soundmodem and for the various logging options. The port number for the Soundmodem must match the one set in Soundmodem program (default port 8100). The settings for ACLog are pretty simple, just remember to enable "API server" for ACLog (see the configuration section for my SatPC32 to ACLog program). If you set "Grid" to your current grid, the main screen will show the Az/El of the satellite from your position. The TLE data box is data for Greencube/IO-117 so that the current elevation for each callsign in the Dupelist can be shown.
if you want the notification of "not worked callsign" and "not worked grid", you can export an ADIF file from your logging program (you just need to do thisone time ever), set that ADIF file in Settings menu of Terminal, and enable the "Search ADIF for callsign/grid" and at the same time also enable "Enable Logging to ADIF file", the you will get notifications and all callsigns you log from within Terminal will be sent to Log4OM (or any other log program chosen) and also be saved in the ADIF file. That way the check for initials/new grids will function even though there is no check using Log4OM.
This goes for many other logging programs.
If you use ACLog or TCP Log (specifically Cloudlog) you can let the Terminal "ask" the logging program for initials/grids instead of using the ADIF file for this.
Below is a typical view. The light blue lines are for IK3ITB, that callsign is in the COSI list and will be highlighted in both the traffic window and the dupelist.
The pink lines are from stations calling CQ (CQ in "To" or "Message" fields). In the dupelist, EA7KI is in green ("Initial"). That is a station that I have not worked before, but his grid has already been confirmed by another station I have worked. SP6IWQ is in a grid that I is not yet confirmed, in this case I have already worked the station, but no confirmation yet from the station. All the "dark gray" lines in the dupelist ("Dupe") is stations that have already been worked (and confirmed)
Double clicking the "To" field will send the callsign to ACLog so it is ready for logging.
Pressing "Escape" when the "To" field is active will clear the entryfields of ACLog.
Double clicking a callsign in the Dupelist will copy the callsign to the "To" entryfield.
Double clicking a line in the traffic window will copy the "From" callsign to the "To" entryfield.
Right click on a selected line in the traffic window OR on a callsign in the Dupelist, will bring up a context menu where you can send the callsign to ACLog (just as if you entered the callsign in the "Call" field in ACLog.
The program can be downloaded below, BUT!
I ONLY ASK, THAT IF YOU LIKE AND USE MY PROGRAM, PLEASE donate whatever amount you see fit
to Andy, UZ7HO (see his website for info).
The terminal program is built on .NET Framework 4.8!
REMEMBER to download at least version 7.0.8 of ACLog on the "Beta" page of N3JFP page if you use ACLog as your logging program!
Reasoning behind the Code Of Conduct document
Current version:
PLEASE NOTE: Terminal requires TLS 1.2 and some have problems running this under Windows 7.
Justin N9ZTS made this description how to fix this problem.
You might still have problems running under Windows 7 though, I recommend not to use Windows 7 (also no longer supported from Microsoft)
2024-05-31 Greencube Terminal program (Windows), Version
Older versions:
2024-02-10 Greencube Terminal program (Windows), Version
Release notes:
Please read this excellent document made by Jeffrey Schwartz KI0KB/WC7WB about the "Multi callsign" messages:
Understanding and using the multi call rare activation mode.pdf
20240731 Version
20240705 Version
20240429 Version
20240210 Version
20240127 Version
Added oscarwatch server (UHM) status is main window (bottom status field)
20240110 Version
20231227 Version
20231212 Version
20231209 Version
20231118 Version
20231115 Version
20231024 Version
20231021 Version
20230921 Version
20230908 Version
20230908 Version
20230907 Version
20230902 Version
20230902 Version
20230828 Version
20230825 Version
20230816 Version
20230815 Version
20230805 Version
20230803 Version
20230723 Version
Added the ability to write [MYLOS] or [MYLOSSHORT] in messages/macros, this will insert the time until your LOS as either hh:mm:ss or ss/mm:ss/hh:mm:ss in a message.
You can write [MYCALL], [MYGRID4] or [MYGRID] in messages (both in the "Message" on mainscreen and in Macros), your callsign and grid (or first 4 characters) will be inserted then (Thanks DF2ET/JK2XXK)
your callsign and grid will be inserted then (Thanks DF2ET)Also [MYELE] and [MYELEn] (where n=0 to 2) works. Inserts your current elevation with n number of decimals ([MYELE] inserts it with 1 decimal) (Thanks N9ZTS)
20230722 Version
20230720 Version
20230712 Version
20230710 Version
20230706 Version
20230705 Version
20230703 Version
20230630 Version
20230628 Version
20230624 Version
20230619 Version
20230617 Version
20230524 Version
20230518 Version
20230509 Version
20230506 Version
20230504 Version
20230430 Version
20230419 Version
20230418 Version
20230418 Version
Added support for sending messages to multiple callsigns. Multi select calls in the CallingMe list (top right) and press a macro key, message is sent to all callsigns selected.
20230409 Version
20230329 Version
20230326 Version
20230319 Version
20230317 Version
20230315 Version
20230314 Version
20230312 Version
20230305 Version
20230301 Version
20230224 Version
20230222 Version
20230221 Version
20230221 Version
20230220 Version
When sending a callsign to ACLog, the following fields are also set (thanks to N7BT):
BAND = 70
RSTS = 599
RSTR = 599
20230218 Version
Better handling of Text-To-Speech errors
20230211 Version
Added context menu in traffic and dupelist with "add callsign to COSI list"
Changed the "Normal" default color on traffic list to true white (was 0,0,0,0 before)
TXDelay can not be set higher than 10 seconds (to remove possibility of "store and forward" QSO's)
20230210 Version
First test version