On my webpage you will find a number of designs/products/projects I have made over the years. Some of these, I offer in limited quantities for sale. Most of the designs have all details so you are able to construct them yourself.
Below is a list of the products that I can supply, all the listed items below are complete products, assembled, tested and calibrated (if needed).
All prices are excluding shipping!
- IC-9700 PTT expander (will output three separate PTT signals, one for each band). Euro 12,-
- Flatpack2 HE interface board (interface/connector for Flatpack2 HE power supplies). Euro 52,-
- PA overcurrent protection/switch board (protects/switches high power PA). Euro 110,-
- REPAM module (remote monitoring of PA modules via Ethernet). Euro 245,-
- R/H sensor for REPAM (humidity/ambient temperature sensor for REPAM). Euro 30,-
- Dual RF Head (logarithmic RF power sensor, 10MHz to 10GHz, -50 to +10 dBm). Euro 125,-
- Dual RF Head-USB (logarithmic RF power sensor with USB connectivity, 10MHz to 10GHz, -50 to +10 dBm). Euro 160,-
- 70 cm/432 MHz high power 90 degree hybrid combiner. Euro 500,- (assembled/tested) / Euro 440,- (as complete kit)
- 23 cm/1296 MHz high power 90 degree hybrid combiner. Euro 410,- (assembled/tested) / Euro 370,- (as complete kit)
- 10 MHz Clock Distribution Box. Euro 300,- (assembled and tested box, without the GPSDO. Add €75,- for GPSDO)